I am pleased to inform you that United Mercy Organization of Nigeria is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to render a short or long relief solutions to less privilege Muslims in Nigeria.
You are fully aware that poverty in Nigeria keeps increasing every day and majority of Muslims are badly affected by the economic crisis befalling the country since few decades ago. Bearing in mind that Nigeria has majority Muslim up to 50%, and due to the poor level of education and low economic poor performance, the poverty rate is extremely high among the Muslims. The less privilege Muslims are struggling very hard to meet their daily needs, they barely eat two meals a day, Subuhanalahi!
As part of our contribution to the Muslim community, we have recently selected a list of 25 Muslims asnaf zakat whom are carefully chosen among the dozens of applications we have received for financial assistance. Majority of the asnafs in the list are miskin whom are either a merchant or trader, while the rest are fisebililahi and ga’rimin.
We anticipate to provide a long term relief or solution to these asnafs by providing a minimum amount required to boost their businesses. As such, they will be able to take care of their respective families and reduce the burden of being a liability on the society. We believe later or sooner, these asnafs will be eager to pay their zakat too when their businesses are successful.
The enclose documents contains the list of the asnafs together with their basic information. Likewise, a basic information about our organization and the various projects we have embarked on are also attached therein. While we appreciate your collaborative assistance in advance, we hope your organization will consider our request and we pray Allah to grant you and us Jannatul Firdaws.

For more details, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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